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Friday, 13 February 2009

Tannin to candlelite!

Staring into the breathlessness of this sinister calmness
Blossoms gone by and still hanging in there waitin for a twist in time

Simplicity used to an age old concept when tannin was considered a taboo
Complexity grows as time gazes into the unknown peril of adam

Lazing around past work to candle lites is the mercury behind silica
The idiot box takes over the film rollin out the chaotic “Action” but still

Strangely withered bodies try to still keep the spirits in rewind
The other side of the coin dreams of a day when the stars shimmer in glory

Toast! The supernatural accolades still lie strong with his creations.
An Epithet to moving times sure leave the feelings in a capsule so glorious

This Cradle of wind sure blows in pure and blissful sonnets of love
Running out of words still seem to speak a million words.

A Day to arrive! Dreams and wishes to cherish pace by knocking
Spirits of this day travelling far and beyond into the unforeseen bliss..Hop On!

Ajay Padattil

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