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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Live Again..!!

When here was a bit of chocolate

When there should’ve been a bit of trimlet

Was one how would call trumpet

Was one life is a big smillet

Whisper one staff would forgive

Whisper little things ain’t a begin

Wasted life would be one too many

Wasted stifling is just a name & must

Whistle a tune & this could be a storm

Whistle a tune & this still would’ve been a whistle

Oasis could actually be found in the ocean

Oasis could still be a mystery from beyond

Live people as this could forsee

Live this life coz this ain’t comin again

Ajay Padattil


Let there be light..!!

There was one thing that thrilled humans

There was one thing that baffled mankind

There was one thing that confused sapiens

There was one thing that strengthened us

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that could have been uncertain

There was one thing that could have been strength

There was one thing that could have been awareness

There was one thing that could have been wise

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that should be anomalies

There was one thing that should be melodies

There was one thing that should be rhythms

There was one thing that should be small thrills

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that could’ve lasted forever

And then there was life..!!!

Ajay Padattil
