The Weekend that never was..!!
This should have been the title of my next one..but gladly it isn' like all of us say an extended weekend...long lost times of life...A love that would never change.. A mystery that would never unravel itself...the whole journey could just be summarized in that one bit.
I still remember the day I packed my bags when I'd got the first command tellin me “ You're goin Clientele” , & I was so lookin forward to it w/o one small livin grasp of regret to beckon with ...& I did.
Starting with my journey this weekend (A huge loong one..) after a bloody looooooooooooooong while still would sound an irony. Why I haven't , should I have...” Stayin here is a lost chance”..would all sound true to the world but me.! But it all started on “ A Wednesday”(to be precise).
Curbing myself to 3 drinks, boarding a bus, pickin up a bottle of water(which I did say thanks for..) , listenin to blaring sounds with visuals bu slept gloriously, wakin up in the middle of the night to finding my destination, listenin to keeping the spirits alive, visiting a beach to having biryani in the night ( Prohibited in a jungle), joining one of the most awaited (amazingly true) weddings of this millennium to meeting a fellow blogger ( And boy I do admire the flow) , tripping on FOOD (way too amazing(Bright Mutton, Bright “Patiri”.. Awesomeness in itself)), the walk down memory lane so early in the month wid a deo & lifebuoy ( Tandurusti ki Raksha) , magic moments, water in a “LEHAR” bottle, the tube, the fan, this pillow, the TV & the mosquitoes( Bidding adieu , this pen to the very last word...................... I think I did have one well deserved ( NOT!!!) happening extended happy weekend ( Holiday..!!)
I did once again love the technicalities of this moment ( And I mean literally).. Just loved the ABAP burger I must say....and that is sumthing I don't think I'd ever get to know if I'd tried too as well ( Hats off to Chekavar...The guy is just SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICESPIALIDOCIOIUS)
Life just had to be glorious as one may expect... Its sumthing that one would learn through passing times & phases. Getting philosophical again huh...?! But what the heaven...! Its just me... the people we meet, the times goin by, the stories that would register itself as one niched cacophony ( After all confusion would deliver us unto absolute fascination) , and one thing to surpass all “ living it”
to be contd..!!
Ajay Padattil