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Friday, 16 October 2009

Lastin Beliefs...!!

Swift as the drift may seem now
Liftin blisters wouldnt sound too sweet

Saffron is the realm of ravity & I'd Fulfill
Lasting breezes of time I wouldnt foresee

Stiffen the Realization of swamp I'd say
Laughin things away sounds an epitome

Synergy doesnt make too much sense & stole
Pronounciations wouldnt hold too much label

Symptoms of slackness I would foresee
Lisp would be a thing and default

Silk would be a material to distant with
Long gone was the brazen hopes of silk & staff

Sin wouldnt be too damn irrepressible
Linguistic defers wouldnt trap too many

Sassy wouldnt prove too Chic
Life is me & I aint too proliferate

Ajay Padattil

How Many tunes..!?

Somethings in life you cant deny
Bristle sweeps of this time

Sacrifice in all with this start
Beautiful as it may fly...

Sanctity wouldnt be much sly
Bad too much grey & Id fly

Smitten by the glands of this dream & must I
Banished from this stream & you'd cry

Scalped & Jiffyed but time goes by
Blistered swiftly but cant feel dry

Sincerity cant laugh but deny
Bathing forests will but sigh

Silt & Sand would feel & I
Blurry feelings should but why.?!

Swell was this feeling & i'm high
Blow this world & Stiffeth but bright..!!

Ajay Padattil