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Sunday 11 January 2015


A Long lasting sight would be too uncertain
A lasting stare would be a mystery

A long meal so timeless at an airport
A grey hair so grown on both sides timeless

That would be an inspiration to start on
That would be my life to you & still on

This day would still yearn to live on
This love would still startle as how

Looking at you just once would suffice
Looking at life staring would be a surprise

Lasting effervescences would linger quite a bit
Lasting life this way would light our way

Wow & I realize the value so differently
Wow& I realize we as humans have just one

We would always look for that one reason
We would always run behind dat one soulful dream
We as humans would have one life
We as humans decide where we have one!!

Ajay Padattil


Friday 29 August 2014

A place for a place..!!

Where this is one place to another
Where this could be another matter

Whilst this was a one to remember
Whilst this could be a mesmeriser

Want this life to be another one
Want this life to be a sweeter

Wouldnt this life seem so much more
Wouldnt this life whistle a different soul

Waiting for one too many now
Waiting for one inside but so

Wanting for much and how
Wanting for this but how

While love seems doves fly
While love is thy neigh

Whistling glories live this day
Whistling by and still you'd say?!?

Ajay Padattil