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Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Afterlife still seems rosy for souls believed

After parties sound still beneath beliefs

Awestruck life’s still wobbling around

Basking in the glory of stories untold

Hope floats say many a human

Joy strikes may a boon

The healing touch of souls so

The beautiful life in handy

The swift joy sing pride

There’s a kind suffice to pretension

Those were the dreamers who dared now

These were still more songs to cry

Tamed with a deciphered trail of thought

Times fly by & we still wait at the shores…Waiting..!!

Ajay Padattil


Thursday, 21 June 2012

Live Again..!!

When here was a bit of chocolate

When there should’ve been a bit of trimlet

Was one how would call trumpet

Was one life is a big smillet

Whisper one staff would forgive

Whisper little things ain’t a begin

Wasted life would be one too many

Wasted stifling is just a name & must

Whistle a tune & this could be a storm

Whistle a tune & this still would’ve been a whistle

Oasis could actually be found in the ocean

Oasis could still be a mystery from beyond

Live people as this could forsee

Live this life coz this ain’t comin again

Ajay Padattil


Let there be light..!!

There was one thing that thrilled humans

There was one thing that baffled mankind

There was one thing that confused sapiens

There was one thing that strengthened us

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that could have been uncertain

There was one thing that could have been strength

There was one thing that could have been awareness

There was one thing that could have been wise

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that should be anomalies

There was one thing that should be melodies

There was one thing that should be rhythms

There was one thing that should be small thrills

There was darkness & let there be light

There was darkness & let there be light

There was one thing that could’ve lasted forever

And then there was life..!!!

Ajay Padattil


Wednesday, 13 June 2012


True as life takes one different form

Thinking of the past still relives the present

Time was something beyond the understanding mind

Tokens of philosophy still do rounds of fraternity

Timeless signs still stay strong in ones soul

Tossing papers of sadness keeps the thoughts at bay

Trifle songs do bring glee into a sober heart

Talking about the simple necessity for existence

Thinking truly of these times & beyond

Trusting life to go rather vagabond

Tall and strong lie beliefs of the Homo sapiens

Taming the very demon within seems to be uncertain

Trailing thought fill the mind with gleam

Thrift gusts of breeze still warm I deem.!!

Ajay Padattil


Friday, 1 June 2012

My Realm..!!

The ways & realms of life that shift

The brilliant walks of truth still hidden

A journey to the unknown still overjoyed

A blast from the near feeling dismay

Into the light travel humans so smooth

Into the foresight sink beings so nimble

At crossroads do meet one soul intertwined

At concurrent paths meet destiny’s children

Amazing sights & thrones to witness

Amazing humans enlightening the very reality

If I were to be the king of my realm

My queen would be the brightest light of me!!

Ajay Padattil


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Just Another Elixir..!!

Lasting philosophies go a long way in deciphering
Listing glories do make a human will for his obliteration

Swiftly tho slyly paving a way for a secure future
Many a days spent by mankind enhancing their present

The silent gust of bliss alarming the heart with a drizzle
The stormy signs of relief blowin rightly so

Lifting spirits beneath the crust is still too foreign
Lightin the essence of the very flame within is the necessity

Life in many ways teaches you how to tread paths of the ordinary
Life in many ways teaches you the very basic rule of immortality

The power to live forever doesn’t reside in the bodily masses alone
The goodwill and benevolence to life forms takes an enormous role

The very source of this energy doesn’t reside in the world
Immortality is another word, just ‘U’ inside is your measurable tunnel.

Ajay Padattil